Date: May 24, 2001
Speaker: Geoffrey Hiller —
The Talk
Photography is a 170-year old art form that is ready to burst upon the digital arena. In his presentation, Hiller will talk about expanding the dialogue beyond the nuts and bolts of developing Web content, to show how the language of photography can inspire Web designers. He will discuss how the work of visionaries such as Cartier-Bresson, Sebastiao Salgado, and Pedro Meyer can enrich the online experience. Hiller will also explore how Flash technology is being used to create new layers of meaning and expression on the Web. Geoff will show his latest project “Burma: Grace under Pressure,” developed with Flash technology
About the Speaker
Since 1994, Geoffrey Hiller has been passionate about telling stories with photography on the Web. Hiller has worked as a Web designer for Tektronix/ Xerox and directed as well as completing a number of independent projects. He has gotten two Macromedia Site of the Day mentions, as well as accolades from Apple Computer, Photo District News, USA Today and the Chritian Science Monitor. Geoffrey Hiller worked as a documentary photographer for over 20 years, doing extensive photo essays in Europe, Asia, and Latin America. His work has been published in major international magazines and he has received grants from the California Arts Council and Eastman Kodak. Visit Hiller’s Web site at URL to see samples of his work.