An educational panel covering ethics in development, design, application, business use, and usability of mixed reality (augmented and virtual reality) technology. Walk away with valuable insight from leaders in the emerging tech space, and learn how to apply this new technology in productive and functional ways for your business.
About the Panelists
Leah Noble Davidson, HP
Leah Noble Davidson (@askrofquestions) has delved into what trust means to teenagers, the significance of loyalty to hardcore gamers, the context of business relationships to product quality, and discovered the real definition of fit for custom bike users. As a strategist, she’s galvanized small business owners in cafes down the street and swayed corporate teams in the boardrooms of Microsoft, XBox, Intel, Cisco, Leatherman, Toyota, Jive, Puppet Labs, and others. She’s currently a lead UX designer at HP, where she’s been working at the intersection of UX and AR.
Dr. Juliette Levy, University of California, Riverside
Dr. Juliette Levy (@profjuliette) is associate professor of Latin American history at UC Riverside and an innovative instructor – she uses computational methods in research and teaching in the Humanities and to bridge the distance between the humanities and the sciences. To solve scale issue in higher education, Dr Levy has developed three online courses in History for the University of California, built a learning game for university students, and she is currently collaborating on the development of a teaching module in virtual reality.
Corey Pressman, Fiction
Corey Pressman (@cspressman) is a strategist, anthropologist and futurist with over 20 years’ experience providing clarity and direction to clients and partners of all kinds. As VP of Adaptive Strategies at Fiction, he generates, manages and works on projects with large corporations, universities and startups to help them envision and enact human-centered communication and innovation. He has now developed a program on how to move forward with Ethics within the Human Centered Communication realm.
Tawny Schlieski, Shovels and Whiskey & Oregon Story Board
Tawny Schlieski @iheartvart) is a research scientist, and a virtual reality producer. She spent 17 years at Intel, including her most recent role as Director of Research for Client Computing. She is founder and president of the Oregon Story Board, a non-profit dedicated to building diversity and inclusion in the VR economy, and she runs Shovels and Whiskey, a VR prototyping studio in Portland, Oregon. Her work centers on new forms of communication and storytelling enabled by emergent technologies, including rethinking education and collaboration, creation and play, and immersive technology at work. Her recent partnership with the Royal Shakespeare Company on The Tempest delivered record breaking audiences, and two Innovation Lions at Cannes.
There is a video of this event. CHIFOO Members, please sign in to see the CHIFOO videos.
Ethics In Augmented Reality And Virtual Reality: A Panel Discussion from CHIFOO Communications on Vimeo.