Date: May 4, 2011
Speaker: Jamin Hegeman — Adaptive Path
Interaction design has played a strong role in creating better products and better experiences for people who use those products. However, the world is moving in the direction of a service economy. Most of the United States GDP comes from services. How can interaction design prepare itself for this shift? In this presentation, Jamin will discuss the current places for interaction design and how it can shift to services. He will talk about service design, why it’s important, and the role interaction designers can play in this emerging place for design within the service economy.
About the Speaker
Jamin is an interaction and service designer at Adaptive Path. His work focuses on human-centered service offerings that meet customer needs while aligning with business goals.
Previously, he was a senior designer at Nokia, where he led efforts to define new services, experiences, and business opportunities for business development, strategic growth areas, and corporate social responsibility. His experience ranges from working at a startup to a large university to being an independent consultant. He has produced solutions for mobile, web, netbooks, as well as other networked products in areas such as communications, health care, media, location-based services, commerce, and social interaction.
He has a Masters degree in Design with a focus on Interaction Design from Carnegie Mellon University, where he also taught interaction design. His thesis work focused on the thinking behind the design process and combining the virtual and physical world to project and prototype aspects of identity.
Additional Information
CHIFOO member David Doms was kind enough to take notes during Jamin’s presentation. Here is David’s impression of the event:
Interaction Design in a Service Economy
Jamin Hegeman
What’s a service?
- A field made of multiple disciplines
- A service is a cohesive system of people and products. Service design is applying design practices to service solutions.
What is service design?
- Dates back to when people first created services. (Example of a Harvard Business Review From January 1984.)
- Designers are advancing service design. Evolving the services through visualization and the mindset of an interaction designer (experience, emotion) mapping the ways to make the most impact in designs. (
- Field of Service Design
- Familiar with complexity and ambiguity
- Focus on human behavior
- Empathetic
- Multidisciplinary
Graphic Design, Industrial Design, Interaction Design
Why interaction designers?
… We see things (airport zig zag line). We sense pain (DMV waiting room)
Shifting from product to service.
Why design services?
- Product not the right solution (mobile HIV med reminder app)
- Product focus limits potential solutions
- Great products don’t mend broken services
- Greater opportunity to improve people’s lives
- Chance to impact organizations (Can we challenge them to operate more effectively and/or more humanely)
Why now?
- Business need service innovation.
- Customer expectations are rising.
- Designers are more welcome.
Benefits of Service Design
- Better experiences
- Increased customer satisfaction
- Reduced inefficiencies
- Increased value to business (loyalty)
- Increased value to society
Interaction Design Great experience between person and product. By contrast, Service Design great experience across all touch points.
Interaction Design is perceived to be digital and involving screen to screen design. Service Design has multiple touchpoints with different types of products and has to come together. “Nonlinear mass of things going on.”
Customer Journey – Explicitly mapping out experiences over time. (Illustration of a relative timeline.)
Touchpoints – Any point of interaction between a person and the service. (Illustration of a customer surrounded by website, print, sales person, product and phone rep.)
Front Stage/Back Stage – The difference between the parts of the system that the customer sees and the ones the customer doesn’t. (Illustration of separated people attempting to communicate through string-can phones.)
Service design case study
Series of slides of the nasal expert’s hospital.
Patient experience, staff experience, … participating, themes and opportunities, patient journey, needs and emotions, holistic delivery system (Illustration of “Service Blueprint of Presby Neuro Clinic” outlining complexity and explaining pain points as opportunities to seize.), creating concepts, Co-creation, Engagement, prototyping (Illustration of the chairs being re-orged in the waiting area.), storyboard concepts, validation, tangible and intangible (Illustration with lots of statistics and another image of a digitally hand drawn doctor? describing or showing a better perspective of the experience.)
The service design movement
Global Service Jam – World hosted challenge with participants putting on events all over the world (heavy in Europe, almost half as much in N and S America combined). San Francisco group looked to help/provide caregiving services for people in need.
1,263 people, 203 service designs, 48 hours (
Business Model Generation Canvas (tool for quickly modeling a business to help illustrate business aspects). (A network of events for people who are service designing by people who are service designing…)
Kerry Bodine’s Blog
Service Design Conference in San Francisco – From Sketchbook to Spreadsheet, Oct 2011
Challenges. Credibility. Over-stretching ourselves?
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Interaction Design in a Service Economy from CHIFOO Communications on Vimeo.