Date: July 9, 2014
Speaker: Leah Noble Davidson
Since qualitative research, or market research, can largely be spit out by a computer, we’ll take a look at how one can move beyond big data and do what a computer cannot do—go inside the head of a person and learn about their motivations and goals. Humanity’s experience is constantly shifting and so is the motivation behind our fears and goals, and that shift changes how we experience and use things. Story allows one to put a finger on that pulse. Story gets right to the bottom of things, it uncovers how the user will actually use the product in this time/place, how they will experience it in their lives, in their own home/office etc. Story is research above market “fill in the blank” research. It exposes rituals, and when one works to streamline those rituals, innovation enters. Discovering this level of story has another great benefit: it can be used to create scene stealing pitches in front of clients. One can stand in front a user or a client and paint out the story of how this will be a great new part of their lives.
About the Speaker
Leah Noble Davidson (@askrofquestions) has delved into the affordance of sustainability and how Baby Boomers understand the green movement in the home, what trust means to teenagers, the significance of loyalty to hardcore gamers, the context of business relationships to product quality, and discovered the real definition of fit for custom bike users. As a strategist, she’s swayed corporate teams in the boardrooms of Microsoft, XBox, Intel, Cisco, and Leatherman, and has galvanized small business owners in cafes down the street. She toured the US last fall with her bestselling book “Poetic Scientifica” and produces Portland’s Moth StorySLAM.
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Give Dimensions, a Face, and a Beating Heart to Projects Through Storytelling from CHIFOO Communications on Vimeo.