2016 Speaker Series
Presumptive Design
Connective DX 2030 NW Pettygrove, Portland, OR, United StatesPRESUMPTIVE DESIGN: UX IN THE PROBLEM SPACE January 6, 2016 Charles Lambdin, Intel In this talk you will learn how Presumptive Design differs from traditional user-centered design, as well as how it welcomes and leverages our irrationality by utilizing failure as the main catalyst for insight. About the Speaker Charles Lambdin is a User Experience […]
Workshop: Presumptive Design
Connective DX 2030 NW Pettygrove, Portland, OR, United StatesPRESUMPTIVE DESIGN WORKSHOP: BOUNDED, IRRATIONAL DESIGN RESEARCH PROCESS January 29, 2016 Leo Frishberg, Phase II In this workshop, Frishberg will offer a design-thinking-based framework for embracing this irrational state of affairs. Rather than eliminating or decrying our irrational process, Frishberg sketches out how Presumptive Design both welcomes and leverages our irrationality. REGISTRATION Early bird - […]
Faulty By Design
Connective DX 2030 NW Pettygrove, Portland, OR, United StatesFAULTY BY DESIGN: A PSYCHOLOGICAL EXAMINATION OF USER DECISION MAKING February 10, 2016 William Gribbons, PhD, Bentley University The psychological variables influencing decision making and highlight how these factors affect a user’s performance navigating the decisions embedded in our products. Bill will offer examples of how user experience designers can address Complex decision exceeds our […]
A Media For a Chorus of Voices
Connective DX 2030 NW Pettygrove, Portland, OR, United StatesA MEDIA FOR A CHORUS OF VOICES March 2, 2016 Ward Cunningham Ward talk about the reinventing Wiki and how distributed internet’s idealistic founding with technological innovation has brewed since its inception. While venture money chases unicorns were happy to build trilobites because we’d be happy to inform the future even if we don’t own […]
Marketing Isn’t Storytelling.
Connective DX 2030 NW Pettygrove, Portland, OR, United StatesMARKETING ISN’T STORYTELLING. IT’S WORLD BUILDING. April 6, 2016 Ian Lurie, Portent For years, we’ve referred to ‘marketing as storytelling.’ This creates a problem: Storytelling involves a single narrative arc, and our customers don’t want to be dragged into a single arc. They want a space in which they can move about and create their […]
Be Here When
Connective DX 2030 NW Pettygrove, Portland, OR, United StatesBE HERE WHEN: FAITH BASED COMMUNITIES CONTEMPLATE TECHNOLOGIES FOR THEMSELVES May 4, 2016 John D. Smith, Co-Author of Digital Habitats Faith-based communities live with many contradictions that challenge thinking about design, technology, and human interaction. The community’s tech steward must strike a balance between the needs of the community and outside influences. About the Speaker […]
Empowering Community Moderators
Connective DX 2030 NW Pettygrove, Portland, OR, United StatesEMPOWERING COMMUNITY MODERATORS TO MAKE VALUES-BASED DECISIONS June 8, 2016 Jasen Balmat, OkCupid Often community moderators work invisibly at the heart of the social network making thousands of judgment calls on behalf of the members they serve. Learn how community moderators provide care and attention to enrich experiences at an individual level. About the Speaker […]
Designing for Happiness
Connective DX 2030 NW Pettygrove, Portland, OR, United StatesDESIGNING FOR HAPPINESS July 13, 2016 Pamela Pavliscak, Change Sciences? What does it mean to design for happiness? Based on a combination of design research and data science, this session will explore what makes people happiest when they use technology and what we can learn from that to design for positive outcomes. About the Speaker […]
CHIFOO Annual Bowling Party
AMF Pro 300 Lanes (Powell Bowl) 3031 SE Powell Blvd, Portland, OR, United StatesANNUAL BOWLING PARTY August 3, 2016 Come join us for the annual CHI-Bowl to enjoy some indoor sports. Dig out your bowling shirt and bowl a few games, or just hang out and socialize with your friends and colleagues. Families are welcome, too! Cost CHIFOO members get in free. Non-members or guests get the […]
Let’s Pretend
Connective DX 2030 NW Pettygrove, Portland, OR, United StatesLET’S PRETEND: USING PERSONAS TO PLAY WITH PROBLEMS September 14, 2016 Carolyn Chandler, Mira Fitness Anna van Slee, Sideshow Collectibles To uncover the most common problems, designers must empathize with their users and come to know the spaces and times in which they move. In this interactive presentation, UX guru Carolyn and game designer Anna […]
Designer Myopia
Connective DX 2030 NW Pettygrove, Portland, OR, United StatesThe all-too-common phenomenon whereby, despite our best intentions, we sometimes design with a nearsightedness that results in websites and applications that please ourselves and impress our peers but don’t meet user and business goals.
Bounded Irrationality In Everyday Moments
Connective DX 2030 NW Pettygrove, Portland, OR, United StatesBOUNDED IRRATIONALITY IN EVERYDAY MOMENTS November 2, 2016 Michelle Kittrell, Researcher at American Family Insurance If we look closely at interactions that frustrate us we can clearly see bounded irrationality at play, disrupting our ‘expected’ path of outcomes. This talk will cover how the dynamic of neuroscience, culture, and personal preferences create […]