Date: September 1, 2010
Eric Gould Bear — Monkey Media

It is a modern axiom that disruptive technology sweeps through every market.  These are the so-called “paradigm-shifting” technologies that obsolete the existing offerings, markets, and technologies sustaining them.  Designers are often forced to choose between solutions that are right for today and those that pave the way for tomorrow.  What happens when designers get ahead of the curve?  What does it take to stand behind a vision of the future that the market isn’t ready for?  And how can design professionals empower business leaders to drive towards the horizon?  Eric will explore how to add momentum and legitimacy to progressive design ideas.

About Eric Gould Bear
Communication Arts described Eric Gould Bear as “one of the most thoughtful and provocative interface and interaction designers working in the field.”  He has been a leading force in the design of award-winning human-computer interfaces since 1984, has published numerous articles on the subject, and is first-named inventor on over eighty software and hardware interaction patents and patent applications.  Specializing in interactive telecommunications services and devices, Eric has established user experience strategies for many well-known corporations.  An enthusiastic and inspirational leader, Eric is known for his collaborative approaches to creating easy-to-use technology and engaging digital media.

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