Pamela Pavliscak, Change Sciences?
Technology is a field full of optimists. We design technologies to make life easier, to help tiresome chores go faster, to add value to people’s lives. We strive for seamless interaction. We obsess over the details. We believe that we are making the world a better place. And yet we don’t really talk about happiness. What does it mean to design for happiness? Based on a combination of design research and data science, this session will explore what makes people happiest when they use technology and what we can learn from that to design for positive outcomes. Come away from the session with new inspiration and proven techniques for building happiness into the experience.
About the Speaker
Pamela Pavliscak (pav-li-check) (@paminthelab) spends her days studying our relationship with technology. Her research is part deep dive interviews, part social science experiments, part data science. She founded Change Sciences to help companies like Ally, NBC Universal, Prudential, and Virgin design for the future. Pamela writes, speaks, and obsesses a bit about positive design, gen Z, and future technologies. She has a book about designing for happiness coming out in the next year and is a frequent speaker at conferences like SXSW, Collision, Future of Web Design, and Webvisions.
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Designing for Happiness from CHIFOO Communications on Vimeo.
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