San Jose, California

March 12, 2016

As UX professionals we often find ourselves at the cutting edge of technologies. But how often do we have the chance to truly impact our stakeholders’ beliefs about the future? How often do we have an opportunity to question the problem statements provided to us ::before:: the engineering and marketing teams have already started down the road?

In this course, we offer a powerful, quick and inexpensive method you can apply at a project’s outset to influence its strategy. Working in small groups, attendees will learn Presumptive Design (PrD), a design-thinking based method to discovering user needs that simultaneously reveals and vets the internal team’s assumptions.

This course covers:
1) Theoretical framework of PrD
2) Hands-on experience applying the process to a design problem
3) How to craft PrD artifacts in a “Creation Session”
4) How to engage external participants with the artifact in “Engagement Sessions”
5) Post-engagement analysis activities

Attendees should have 4+ years experience in UX research, design or strategy to gain the most from this praxis-based course.

About the Speakers:

Leo Frishberg (co-facilitator) “discovered” Presumptive Design on his journey to becoming a bricks-and-mortar architect over 30 years ago. In addition to his deep design experience, Frishberg has been working in the field of UX research, strategy and architecture for the past 15 years, both as a consultant and within such companies as Tektronix and Intel. He co-authored the book Presumptive Design:

Design Provocations for Innovation” with Charles in 2015. Charles Lambdin (co-facilitator) is a UX Designer at Intel. With a background in human factors, research methods, and behavioral science, Charles approaches user experience holistically as opposed to an add-on to business as usual. Charles co-authored the book “Presumptive Design: Design Provocations for Innovation” with Leo in 2015.

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Teaser Video!

Presumptive Design CHI2016 Course – trailer from CHIFOO Communications on Vimeo.

To learn more about Presumptive Design: