Below is general information about CHIFOO’s meeting/event. Please check out CHIFOO’s upcoming events on our calendar page or an individual event for specifics on speakers and dates. 6:30 Register for the October meeting on Zoom, get set up, then enjoy the...
Skyler Reed In the world of humans meshed with technology, a lot of weight is put on the push-button and pop up visual aspects of HCI, User Experience, and User Interaction but not on the minute-by-minute emotions and frustrations of the people saddled with those...
Dana Chisnell, Center for Civic Design Every great designed experience starts with the stories of individual humans. At the Center for Civic Design, Dana Chisnell and her team collected thousands of stories from U.S. voters over five years. The stories revealed two...
Using examples from the Buxton-Microsoft Collection, the argument is made that knowing our history is as important to UX designers as it is to architects, musicians or any other creative discipline. Quite apart from needlessly reinventing the wheel, such knowledge...
Katie Swindler, UX Strategist, Manager | Allstate Insurance Company @madamautonomous Stress changes the human brain, enhancing some abilities and degrading others. In some of the most dangerous industries, creators of life-saving products have discovered how to...
Nathan Shedroff, Seed Vault Ltd The Coming Extinction Level Event for Brands & Companies (and What UX Can Do About It) As outlandish as it sounds, ten global companies are quickly positioning themselves to own nearly every customer relationship—and capture most of...