Using UX for Good Building a Better World The world’s a mess. The number of problems we face and the technology involved, grows exponentially from year to year. Yet our job is to make it all work. From a UX design perspective, addressing these issues can seem like a...
Skyler Reed In the world of humans meshed with technology, a lot of weight is put on the push-button and pop up visual aspects of HCI, User Experience, and User Interaction but not on the minute-by-minute emotions and frustrations of the people saddled with those...
How can you design technology that becomes a part of a user’s life and not a distraction from it? This practical book explores the concept of calm technology, a method for smoothly capturing a user’s attention only when necessary, while calmly remaining in the...
Dana Chisnell, Center for Civic Design Every great designed experience starts with the stories of individual humans. At the Center for Civic Design, Dana Chisnell and her team collected thousands of stories from U.S. voters over five years. The stories revealed two...
Using examples from the Buxton-Microsoft Collection, the argument is made that knowing our history is as important to UX designers as it is to architects, musicians or any other creative discipline. Quite apart from needlessly reinventing the wheel, such knowledge...
What happens when a city creates a public platform for allocating $100 million dollars? People start to think about their neighborhoods differently. Learn about participatory political processes for decision-making and resource allocation in Reykjavík and Madrid. And...