Selling Creative Solutions to Clients – Panel Discussion

Date: September 5, 2007 Speaker: Panel Discussion — How do you convince a client that a comprehensive usability study is the best approach to diagnosing their product’s problems? How can you approach your customer about optimizing processes in the face of...

CHI-BOWL Social –

Date: August 1, 2007 Speaker: — Come join in this special, once-a-year CHIFOO program event held in concert with the IxDA crowd. Take a whirl at bowling some games, or just come out to socialize with your friends and colleagues. Special prizes will be...

The Shifting Role of Design – Luke Wroblewski

Date: July 11, 2007 Speaker: Luke Wroblewski — Yahoo! In an increasing number of companies the role of design is changing dramatically from mere styling to a core ingredient of product strategy and innovation. But what’s behind this shift? Why are...