Michelle Kittrell, Researcher at American Family Insurance

Everyone deals with bounded irrationality in everyday moments. It’s so common that we may not realize it. When it happens we may shrug our shoulders and blame it on a deficiency in others or ourselves; we may label it “user error”.

However, if we look closely at those interactions that frustrate us the most we can clearly see bounded irrationality at play, disrupting our ‘expected’ path of outcomes. This talk will cover how the dynamic of neuroscience, culture, and personal preferences create “unique” rational experiences. If the consumer experience is moving into the realm of micro-moments, then we all need to beef up on our interpersonal communication skills.

About the Speaker

Michelle Kittrell (@ellobye)is a research analyst who spent a decade exploring people’s experiences in the U.S. healthcare system and working with cross-functional teams to bring human-centered thinking into projects. She is interested in understanding the dynamics of stress and psyche in everyday interactions with the systems we interact with and how technology can enhance the human experience.

There is a video of this event. CHIFOO Members, please sign in to see the CHIFOO videos.

Bounded Irrationality In Everyday Moments from CHIFOO Communications on Vimeo.