
Designers are often told that users seek easy answers which are arrived at rationally. Said users are bound by predictable, limited amounts of time, knowledge and interest. They are bound and are understood by bounded rationality. The influence of psychologists and economists has trained us to frame solutions with this precept. Bounded rationality belies the experiences of delight and frustration in users and, perhaps, gives designers a little too much credit for knowing the user.

Design is about solving problems. Designers and developers try to help users be productive, connect, and learn in a secure online environment. Paradigms for community, individuality, health, and success have changed with new technology. The problems we solve aren’t always mediated by rational actors, nor do rational actions result. Amid changing technologies and contexts users are only limited by data plans and price points. As designers and users we’re now operating in a bounded irrationality.

There are three categories of focus in this year’s speaker series: Presumptive Design/UX Design (Orange), Design Practices/Education(Green), and Building Communities/Supporting Users (Blue). Each category has been assigned a color so that it can be followed throughout the year more easily.

Please note: CHIFOO wants to make sure that each meeting is a great experience for everyone. If you need an accommodation to help you better enjoy CHIFOO meetings and events please let our CHIFOO Programs Chair know how we can help a few days prior to CHIFOO event.


2016 Speakers and Events

Charles Lambdin, IntelPresumptive Design: UX in the Problem Space
January 6, 2016
Charles Lambdin, Intel




Leo Frishberg, Phase IIPresumptive Design Workshop: Bounded, Irrational Design Research Process
January 29, 2016
Leo Frishberg, Phase II




William Gribbons, PhD, Bentley UniversityFaulty By Design: Psychological Exam of User Decision Making
February 10, 2016
William Gribbons, PhD, Bentley University




Ward Cunningham, New Relic A Media For a Chorus of Voices
March 2, 2016
Ward Cunningham




Ian Lurie, Portent Marketing Isn’t Storytelling. It’s Worldbuilding.
April 6, 2016
Ian Lurie, Portent




John D. Smith, Co-Author of Digital HabitatsBe Here When
May 4, 2016
John D. Smith, Co-Author of Digital Habitats




Jason Balmat, OkCupidEmpowering Community Moderators
June 8, 2016
Jasen Balmat, OkCupid




Pamela Pavlisack, Change Sciences?Designing for Happiness
July 13, 2016
Pamela Pavlisack, Change Sciences?




August 3, 2016
10th Annual CHIFOO Member Appreciation Night




Carolyn Chandler, Mira Fitness Anna van Slee, Sideshow Collectibles
Let’s Pretend

September 14, 2016
Carolyn Chandler, Mira Fitness
Anna van Slee, Sideshow Collectibles



Rian Van Der Merwe, WildbitResistance Is Useless
October 5, 2016
Rian Van Der Merwe, Wildbit



Michelle Kittrell, Cambia Health SolutionsBounded Irrationality in Everyday Moments
November 2, 2016
Michelle Kittrell, Cambia Health Solutions