Date: November 10, 2011
Speaker: —
It’s time to celebrate the difference usability makes in our daily lives during World Usability Day on Thursday, Nov. 10th. To match Portland’s unique flavor, last year we developed a unique urban challenge: The PDX Usability Scavenger Hunt and it’s back by popular demand. With the theme of education for cultural change in mind, teams will comb the urban landscape to find examples of has made a difference in the way we live in the world around us.
Sign up to compete today!
Find and Share UX Triggers To Social Change
What makes us change the way we do something? The signs that make you do something a different way, the system that changes behavior by being a delight to use, the headline that incites you to action, the buttons you love to push? Now you share them with other user experience professionals, amuse your colleagues and win prizes. In honor of World Usability Day, on Thursday, November 10th, CHIFOO is sponsoring the PDX UX Scavenger Hunt.
How The PDX UX Hunt Works:
- You can compete as an individual or as a team of up to 5 members.
- Teams must register by emailing by Monday, November 7 with the team name, the team members and member’s emails.
- At 8 am on Wednesday, November 9, the competition begins when team captains are emailed the new category list.
- Teams will look for an example of each category, snap a photo and then send it to the tumblr site with a tag for the team name and the category. #tagging each photo is very important.
- Teams can watch their team’s and the comptetion’s progress on the CHIFOO leaderboard.
- The hunt ends at 6 pm on Wednesday, November 10.
- The entries will be scored by the judges and winners announced by Saturday, November 12.
- First, second and third prizes will be awarded to the team and individuals with the highest scores.
Prize so far include: Great UX software from Balsamiq, and Axure, ebooks from O’Reilly, books from Rosenfeld Media, the groovy, colorful and new CHIFOO insulated cups, CHIFOO membership and more.
Competing costs nothing and is a great creative exercise for dev teams and anyone interested in creating meaningful user experiences.
Sign up to compete today!